Contour & Feature Survey
What is a Contour and Feature Survey?
A Contour and Feature Survey Plan is a graphical representation of your property. It is used to display the height of retaining walls, fence lines, existing services e.g. water meter, and the overall finished height of existing buildings, on natural ground level, on your property. Reasons for needing a contour survey include but are not limited to :
New Building Design
Survey for Architect
New Swimming Pool
Retaining Wall Disputes
Suspected Land Level Change
New Retaining Wall
New Verandah
House Extension
New Carport
New Driveway
Surveying Neighbouring Buildings
Tree Shadowing Diagrams
New Balcony
New Boundary Wall
Our Contour and Feature Survey services are highly aligned with the needs of architects, home designers, builders and local council requirements. Our extensive experience in this area will be showcased with high quality colour plans that are easy to understand for a novice. We also provide digital CAD files to all of our clients, so their chosen architect or designer will be able to work with the best information allowing them to make the best decisions regarding the design of your new home or extension.
What on earth is AHD?
Australian Height Datum (AHD): "means a level of datum, derived from mean sea level observations along the Australian coastline, used uniformly throughout Australia as a base reference for 'derived' datum levels.
Basically an AHD required survey is when a surveyor connects the heights of the survey to local survey control or sewer information that has existing AHD height values assigned to it. This height value has been calculated relative to the Australian sea level at the coastline which if thought about simply would have a value of (0).
What this means on your plan is that if you see the elevations (heights) on your survey plan and they are on average 50.00 or 50.25 this means your property would be approx. 50m above sea level.