Boundary Survey Perth

Boundary Survey
Boundary Surveys
When a boundary survey is complete you receive a Reg. 25A Certificate signed by our Licensed Land Surveyor.
When a Repeg survey is undertaken by a Licensed land Surveyor, the process of surveying your new boundaries is much more involved than people think. Many people assume that there is a simple way of positioning pegs on site. This is not the case...
The Land Surveyor must first do what is called a Street Alignment before arriving at your property. This involves careful analysis of existing survey field books from the Department of Lands (Landgate). The surveyor will traverse along your street searching for existing survey marks and will usually connect into survey spikes at the truncation points at the end of your street on both ends. If there is not enough survey information, the surveyor may have to traverse to the street behind yours to establish a reliable solution for the alignment.
Once this process is complete, the Licensed Land surveyor will then sit down and calculate the traverse and factor in complicated calculations to fix the true positions of your new boundary corners. This process can be both tricky and very time consuming based on the availability of reliable survey information on your street.

The Repeg Survey process is essential for making sure your boundaries are in the right positions. You need to think long term before making any rash decisions e.g. putting up a new fence based on the original fence location or a parapet building wall on the boundary. If your neighbour decides to build on the boundary in the same location and your wall or fence is encroaching on to their land it will affect their plans and this may lead to conflict between neighbours which we see regularly.
Establishing your true boundaries with a Repeg Survey and not relying on existing fences is the smarter decision.
If you think your neighbour is building on your land or if you are building a new retaining wall and want to make sure it is in the right position, call us now for a consultation and get a competitive rate for this service.
Licenced Land Surveyors Registration Numbers are available on request